Figure 1: 3-Node Chain Graph
Most social graphs are decentralized, and appear like multiple subgraphs joined by a bridge. In what social settings might the graph depicted in figure 1 appear? If we think about it, it looks very much like an exchange network, where participants negotiate about how to share an amount of money. According to Network Exchange Theory, B has the most powerful position, while A and C have equal but less powerful positions (Easley, p. 115). A and C, in negotiating a share, do not have any other options aside from B. B, on the other hand, has a choice between A and C. B is then able to drive down A and C’s shares until one of them is willing to take the smallest share. Because only one of A and C may split an amount of money with B, they both have to compete with each other for B’s attention. Coincidentally, the converged PageRank scores for every individual reflect such a situation. A and C have equal PageRank scores (0.257), but the scores are lower than B’s (0.486). Seeing this, we may postulate that converged PageRank scores reflect an individual’s positional power in negotiating for a share with others. To see if this is the case, we look at some more examples of network exchange graphs:
Figure 2: 4-Node Chain Graph
Figure 3: 5-Node Chain Graph
A 4-Node Chain Graph is depicted in figure 2. Network Exchange Theory predicts that individuals A and D would have equal but the least negotiation power, while individuals B and C would have equal but the greatest negotiation power (Easley, p. 116). Again, the PageRank scores for each individual reflect such a situation. Individual A and D have equal but lesser scores (0.175), while individual B and C have equal but greater scores (0.325). We now look at figure 3. In this 5-Node Chain Graph, individual A and E have equal but the least PageRank scores (0.135). Both individual B and D have the greatest score (0.246). Individual C has a score (0.239) that is greater than A and E’s, but less than B and D’s. If we use these PageRank scores to predict each individual’s negotiation power, we would see that A and E are the least powerful, B and D are the most powerful, while C is in between. Again, this is just as predicted by the Network Exchange Theory (Easley, p. 116). Nevertheless, Network Exchange Theory does not work solely on just chain-like graphs. We now move on to a slightly more complicated graph, a T-shaped graph:
Figure 4: A 5-Node T-shaped graph
Network Exchange Theory predicts that individual B would have the greatest power, followed by D. A, C and E would have the least power since they do not have any other options (Easley, p. 113). Again, their PageRank scores fully reflect this situation. What is even more startling is that E’s PageRank score, despite low, is slightly better than A and C. What could this possibly mean in Network Exchange Theory’s terms? According to the theory, E should have a slight advantage over A and C, despite having only one option. If we think about it, D, despite having two options, is dealing with B. B can always choose A or C and abandon D, so D cannot threaten B very much. This indirectly confers E a slight advantage, which is reflected in its PageRank score.
Seeing how well PageRank scores correspond with predictions of Network Exchange Theory, how might we relate PageRank’s mechanics to Network Exchange Theory? PageRank views each directed edge as a vote, so to speak, and the PageRank scores are a quantitative measure of a page’s relevance. In discussing PageRank, we can think of PageRank scores as a kind of “fluid” that circulates throughout the network (Easley, p.144). We can thus view this “fluid” as negotiation power in Network Exchange Theory. The “fluid” accumulates in whichever nodes that occupy a powerful position. This position is in turn determined by a node’s connection with other nodes. Having a great number of connections means one have many options in negotiating the best split of money. To account for the situation of node C depicted in figure 3, we observe that even though individual B, C and D have the same number of edges, C’s “fluid” flows out to B and D, who in turn also direct some of C’s “fluid” to A and E respectively. Individuals A and E, on the other hand, can only direct their “fluid” to B and D. The consequence is that B and D obtain the greatest amount of “fluid”. As for the situation of node E in figure 4, this can again be explained using the notion of “fluid”. Individual B obviously gets the greatest amount of “fluid” by virtue of its many edges, where the “fluid” are contributed by A, C and D. A and C do not get much “fluid” since they each have only one edge. E, however, despite having only one edge, gets its “fluid” from D, and also a small amount from B indirectly (given through D). This explains E’s slight advantage over A and C.
Now that we are convinced that PageRank scores reflect one’s positional power, we look at another kind of social graph: a tree-like social graph. An example of such a graph is shown below:
Figure 5: Tree-like graph
The graph shown in figure 5 is slightly different from an actual tree graph in that the lower nodes have an edge to all higher nodes. To give a real world example of such a graph, we can imagine such a graph as army ranks, where individual A is the General, B and C are Lieutenants, and D, E, F and G are Privates. A directed edge from an individual P to Q means P obeys orders from Q. Earlier we have postulated that PageRank scores indicate positional power. Once again, the PageRank scores for this special form of tree graph corroborate our hypothesis. Given any pair of individuals, whoever has the higher PageRank scores, has the greater power.
From the few examples shown above, we have seen how running PageRank on a social network gives us new insights. We have also seen how well PageRank scores correspond with Network Exchange Theory predictions, and also the rankings within a military community. PageRank algorithm is thus not just a link analysis method, but also an invaluable tool to Network theorists who wish to understand social order or power structure within a network.
1. “PageRank”. Wikipedia. Retrieved on May 01, 2008.
2. Easley, David and Jon Kleinberg. Networks. Cornell University: The Cornell Store, 2008.